Thursday, August 31, 2006

I love this poem

I want to blog but I just can't
There's too little time that I can spend
All my chance I fail to use
My problem now I have no muse
So it's as if I am a bum
Merely master of my own free time
Ideas enter but they do not stay
So when I type I lose my way
To all my friends who read this blog
I apologize for being a snob
But to all of you I make this pledge
I swear to God I'll kick the hedge
Open my mind is what I'll do
And stare at girls 'till I am blue
So fear not because I'm back
Now excuse me I have to hit the sack


At Sunday, September 17, 2006 7:58:00 PM, Blogger Azrael said...

To give you credit, it's nice to know that you've finally admitted to being a bum. But being a student of literature--someone who actually studies poetry, I have to say, your "poem" is atrocious!! And what's with the penguin anyway? Everyone will agree with me that turtles are way more cute.

At Sunday, September 17, 2006 7:58:00 PM, Blogger Azrael said...

To give you credit, it's nice to know that you've finally admitted to being a bum. But being a student of literature--someone who actually studies poetry, I have to say, your "poem" is atrocious!! And what's with the penguin anyway? Everyone will agree with me that turtles are way more cute.


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