Thursday, July 20, 2006

Post-College Night

We planned to go to Tagaytay after the College Night: Time. We were supposed to sample the delights of Mushroom Burger and the Starbucks of Tagaytay Starbucks. But, since Moc and Sachie were with us, Shao's van couldn't quite handle our combined weight.
So instead we went to the very far and fine eating establishment called Tropical Hut in BF. What a road trip! There Jennie planned for Tats to have a "Burger FEst", as she calls it, in the future wherein we would experiment on just how many burgers Tats can eat in one sitting. That's to be discussed. So stay tuned!


At Thursday, August 17, 2006 10:05:00 PM, Blogger Azrael said...

The only proper burger-eating contest venue for me is at Chili's. With burgers larger than Shaq's fists, anyone would be in for a real treat. And at 300+ bucks a combo(burgers with a pound of fries), it won't be long before your wallet cries uncle. They have a branch near Greenbelt, just ask the guard. Oh, and there are almost always hot celebrity chicks there, too.


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