Monday, September 19, 2005

AfTer a very long vacation

Not a real vacation per se, but a vacation from blogging. And not a voluntary, peaceful, and serene vacation, it's just that som many things keep cropping up and there's barely enough time to do anything, let alone blogging. But the rain has finally cleared (by that I mean not the 'real' rain but the events etc.), at least for a while, and that has allowed me the chance to blog once again.

Peer Counseling
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The SSC-CoL, together with the Psychology Society of xtian sekhanan initiated the peer counseling seminar last...uh I dunno. it was attended by several schools including sisc. its objective was to help our peers in terms of counseling. hence, peer counseling. we have more projects lined up for this cause so await that.

St. Mark's talk
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I was invited to give an inspirational address by the student council of St. Mark's Institute (SMI) -- a nearby school. The officers of the new student council there knew me from the Asian Federation of Student Leaders (AFSL) convention last october held in SISC. Anyways, the talk was at the last of the program -- they were celebrating linggo ng wika -- so I was guest of honor watching the festivities seated in the middle of the stage together with the school administrators. I was surprised by the number of poeple there, literally the whole school population of over a thousand was there. And I was expecting a crowd of less than 100. Whew! I delivered the speech quite ok and I'm glad the whole ordeal was over. I had to finish the food they offered me in a hurry bec. I have a meeting with the SISCPA (parent's assoc.) back in southville. off I went. busy day.

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The annual alay lakad of rotary international was exciting. we had more delegates including new friends from the freshmen block. too bad ******** wasn't there. that spoiled the whole affair. damn. regardless, it was for a good cause and I can't wait for the next one.


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